After 10 digital editions, we decided to give the good old classic print a try. Before you go on about why print isn’t exactly the best idea since it’s old and boring, I will tell you 5 reasons why this particular print magazine is special, and why you should pay just a little for it.

1. The page comes alive with Point and Play

A lot has been said about Augmented reality and it’s the essence in today’s world. We gave it a test on this edition by working with a company called Point and Play. They specialize in making it possible for you to watch videos when you scan materials with your phone. Almost every page in our magazine has this feature. Making it possible for you to scan the pages and watch related content videos on your phone.

2. Great Content

if you have read any of our digital editions, you will know that we are big on quality content. This magazine doesn’t fall short of that. We have content surrounding different topics, areas and themes. It will educate you, make you laugh and spark (pun definitely intended) a conversation between you and your friends.

3. Double Frontpage

It mattered to us that you have a great experience whilst reading this magazine. We have divided the magazine to have male content for one side and female content on another side.


4. Over 1000 vouchers and prizes

We have ensured that you win prizes whilst reading our magazine. Every copy can make you win something more from Spark.


5. Costs only 20 cedis

Come on Guys! 20 cedis for such a magazine is not a big deal. we know there are other things you can do with this money but we promise that this edition is worth your 20 cedis.

If you are still not convinced, we download our recent digital edition. It gives has some highlights from our print edition. If you want to get one, just hit our dms @sparkghana on Twitter and Instagram or text 0208071787 and have one delivered to you.