The Front Seat Diva

Divas and Slay queens who don’t own a car but are always chauffeured for free to wherever they are going deserve some recognition. Even though all her close friends own cars, she is quick to remind everyone that “Oh! Our friendship is more than the car” But really, the friendship is running on an engine.

It’s not that deep a case but she can’t date a guy who doesn’t drive either. Because the sun is too hot for her make-up, the wind too strong for her hair, and her heels too new for the road. When you ask why she doesn’t own a car herself, she has an interesting story.

“I have a car at home but my parents want me to finish driving school before they give it to me”
On a good day you will find her being chauffeured by the car owner as she Snapchats to show the world her life in a car she doesn’t own.

But we are not going to call her an opportunist… no! She is a great partner for konkonsa and Gisting.
She has the 411 about everyone on campus. She knows how many views the newest YouTube couple got for their last video. She even knows the girl’s ex and remembers the day she walked out of his room at 5am.
Our rides are never complete without them because after all, they fill the space in the front seat that would have otherwise been empty.

King of Front Seat

You may think of the front seat guy as the hype man of a famous rapper but he is way more than that. He is more like a kingpin of the streets. Wherever there’s a party, he’s been there before. He is the chicks papa, pro hustler and all round BOSS.

When the ticket to that big show is finished, he knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who will get the whole squad inside for free. In fact scratch that, he is one of the organizers.
The front seat guy is in most cases more influential than the owner of the car. He decides who else will sit in the car and where the car will go.

He is the guy with most followers on Instagram. Go through his timeline and most of his pictures show him standing next to a car or behind the steering wheel. He has been careful to brand himself like that.
With all these super powers, it’s not surprising the driver of the car always wants him around. Because truly, without him, the driver won’t fully enjoy the attention and benefits owning a car on these Ghanaian streets brings.