When you meet someone you vibe with, someone who compliments your swag, matches your level of intelligence or you just find attractive, it’s almost inevitable that hearts will collide and a relationship will be born. But truth is that relationships come with some amount of stress and may take more of your time than it should if it’s not well managed. Never forget something your parents said: “When you go learn oooh, have time only for your books”. The responsibility lies on you as a young adult to combine your love life and education? We have outlined some ideas you can take into consideration to help you enjoy love and focus on why you are in school in the first place

Study Dates

This is a sure way of spending time together without blowing cash. Make sure this is in a public setting. Because we all know it won’t be effective in your room or your partner’s. You can quiz each other, motivate each other and strengthen your relationship, all at the same time. Meet in libraries or study halls to limit the silly jokes and loving comments that might cause distractions. Nothing wrong in passing around notes as the two of you learn. It’s cute.

Be Progressive Partners

It’s important to find someone who understands the tough demands of your course in school. Have a conversation and come to a decision on days and times when you should be together and when you’re not to be. During times you’re not together, don’t resort to facetiming, whatsapping, etc. Focus, guys, FOCUS!! You guys shouldn’t see each other all the time. Remember, ‘Absence makes the heart grow fonder’

Forget Dem

Whether your relationship is going towards marriage, or it’s a ‘help me finish my course’, the primary reason for your presence in school is to study and achieve educational highs. If your partner does not understand this, and puts pressure on you to spend all of your time on him/her, kick him/her to the curb. Wasting your parent’s money or your time is gonna be a sad distin. TBVH!!

Cheat Day Anyone?

Who says cheat days apply to dieting only? Group projects, exam pressure and essay deadlines can put a damper on having time for love. You wanna combat this? Have a day that is specifically for catching up on the lobilovi. On your cheat day, it’s all about ‘le boo’.

I leave you with a Michelle Obama quote: “There is no boy (or girl), at this age, cute enough or interesting enough to stop you from getting an education. If I had worried about who liked me
and who thought I was cute when I was your age, I wouldn’t be married to the President of the United States”