The streets of Pent was alive with excitement last Friday

On Friday, 2nd March, Pent Hostel hosted a street carnival as part of their Afrocentrix hall week activities.

Just in typical Pent student fashion, the streets of Pent was alive with students having fun, traders serving their clients,  street parties, and all-round great excitement.

Relive the event on Saturday through these images

These friends who were playing beer pong

This girl who was concentrating on her game

These friends who didn’t know that a giant ant was watching from behind

These friends who were getting a drink

Pent Hall week

These Beer pong contestants

This flamethrower

These friends who were just chilling

The beautiful decor and beautiful people

This special washing event will be happening again at the next hall week. We just can’t wait for the moments and images that will come out of that.