Verification on the social media will be open to everyone.

To be sure if every account belongs to a Human Being and not a robot, Twitter will be opening the preserved verification process to everyone on the app.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey stated last week during a Periscope livestream that the social media company is figuring out a way to everyone to receive verification

“And to do it in a way that is scalable, [so] we’re not in the way and people can verify more facts about themselves and we don’t have to be the judge or imply any bias on our part”

The verification process initially preserved for celebrities, athletes and public figures and later open to journalists, was meant to show identity of the person behind the account and also give some authority to their opinions.

By making verification more accessible to all, Twitter intends to shift the focus away from any presumption of endorsement, and emphasize proof of identity.

If verification becomes common to everyone, it will be easier for Twitter to spot bot run accounts which are becoming common on the social media site

Twitter has not revealed any details on how its extended verification process might work.