According to a recent study, almost 40% of Twitter users make purchasing decisions based on Influencer recommendations. This data could be the same on Instagram and Snapchat also.

One way or the other, we all know an Influencer on social media. They are the account with lots of views on Instagram who is always posting products and asking their followers to buy the product or service or the food blogger who visits exotic restaurants and locations and posts pictures of the place or the funny guy on YouTube who talks about social issues.

Anyone with a huge following on social media and also has a high engagement will soon have brands approaching them to market a particular service or product.

In this video, Digial Expert Toyin shares some tips you should keep in mind just in case you’ve been thinking about being a social media Influencer.

You can follow Toyin on Twitter here @tyopeodu and on Twitter through @socialmediacatalyst.