8 ways to Prioritize Self-Care During Exam Season
Exam season is fast approaching, for most students it’s a stressful period full off sleepless nights, long hours of learning, avoiding food and shutting out normal life routines to ace those papers. During this period, It’s easy to neglect your wellbeing but however it’s advised that you focus on taking good care of yourself even during this period to achieve the desired results you want.
Here are 8 points on how to prioritise your wellbeing and self care during exams period.
1. Get enough sleep

During exams, most people sacrifice sleep to burn the midnight candle, considering that more time means more sleep, this might not be a smart decision since sleep helps prepare the mind to take in more knowledge. It is advised that you receive 7-8 hours of sleep during exam period to help your brain function at its highest level.
2. Exercise Regularly

Exercising around this season keeps the mond and body in a good shape to manage all the stress that may come. Adapt simple exercise routines like brisk waking, skipping and press-ups regularly. A great exercise routine around this time will help reduce the stress and boost your mood.
Quick workout routines you can perform in your campus room
3. Stay Hydrated

Water is essential within this period to help you focus and refresh your energy. Be sure to keep a bottle close to you at all times to stay hydrated during your studies. Whilst learning drink water intermitedly and stay hydrated.
4. Eat nourishing foods

During this period, eating a balanced diet and nourishing meals is advisable to maintain your energy and replenish the lost energy during this period. Be sure to combine healthy meals in the right proportion everyday during your studies and exam period.
5. Take Breaks

During your study period, be sure to take breaks to rest your mind. Remember that your mind and body require these breaks to perform at their outmost level. You can take a 15 mins break after every two hours of learning to listen to some music, take a walk, talk to friends of just take a quick nap.
6. Practice Mindfulness

Your mind is the battlefield during this period and also your strongest arsenal so you need to keep it at peace and stable. Practice mindfulness, deep breathing, meditation, listening to calm music or just shutting out all thoughts to rest the mind. Focus on this to keep the mind protected from failing you when you need it most.
7. Connect with loved ones

During this period, you need the most emotional support to help you through this phase, instead of shutting out loved ones, reach out to people you call your support system like friends, family and therapists to support you and help you.
8. Set realistic Goals

A setback you may face during exams period may be trying to cramp too much information into your head at a go. This may not be the best approach since you won’t be able to remember everything during the exams. During your studies, set realistic goals according to the topic or subject you are studying for. Also, you can set goals based on study duration. These breaks will help you regroup, refresh your mind and prepare you to take in more knwledge.
Try these practices during exams and you will be better prepared to pass those papers and handle any challenges which may come. Always remember that you’ve got this.