Afrocentrix. Bustling images of colour, fire and fashion from Pent Hall week
Pent Hall week is here again
The famous Hall located in University of Ghana known for its vibrant lifestyle and popular students kicked off their annual Hall week on Sunday 25th February. This year’s Hall week themed as Afrocentrix has an interesting line-up of events intended to serve the diverse interests and lifestyle of students in the Hall
On Sunday, the streets of Pent was lit with picturesque activities, styles and people. Here are a few photos from the colourful event shot by photographer Jeff Adosey (@j_adoosey)
This Daredevil who isn’t scared of fire
These guys who became a tree
This girl who wasn’t ready for the camera
This girl who actually was ready
This girl whose Kente style is absolutely fabulous
Two masqueraders and a ghost
These girls who were posing for the camera
These ladies who were caught mid dancing
This girl who is happy to be there
From February 26th to 3 rd March, pass by the Hall anytime to experience the Hall week. Don’t miss out on the Artiste Night this Saturday which will feature some great Acts from Ghana.