Every once in a while, a movie bursts onto the scene, stealing the hearts of many movie fanatics and normal individuals alike but hardly or even rarely does a movie steal the heart of all blacks worldwide. YES! ALL BLACKS!

Black Panther could well be described as the modern-day Coming To America, not in respect of the movie plot but rather popular among the black sect all over the globe

For a character who has been in and out of comics for the past fifty-two years, Black Panther has dazzled many as it currently stands as one of the year’s top two most anticipated movies ranking second to Disney-Marvel’s “Avengers: Infinity War”.

The budget for Black Panther was about $200 million and just in its first two days of being at the Box Office, it has managed to gross in a whopping $122.8 million.

The premiere in the United States was met with virtually everyone clad in African attires with some people going to the very extreme and dressing to match people in this blockbuster.

The “Wakanda Fever” was not restricted only to the Western World but has spread all over the African continent and Ghana was not left out in this frenzy.

During the Premiere at the Silverbird Cinemas on Thursday, Ghanaians appeared in traditional clothing representing their culture


There was also a cultural music and dance procession organized by @couchCritics an online cinema critique show  on the day of the premiere

@Marvel @chadwickboseman #wakanda came to #ghana with @couchCritics_ pic.twitter.com/g08aJ5kNt9

— Dial D for Daixy (@D41XY) February 15, 2018

Video by @D41XY

The Silverbird Cinema on Friday and Saturday was filled to capacity with movie enthusiasts who had thronged the place in droves to catch a glimpse of the Motion Picture. People literally stood for 5 hours on both nights in a bid to watch the much talked about movie.

Black Panther has a number of Hollywood’s heavyweights as it’s cast including Chadwick Boseman (Black Panther),Michael B. Jordan(Erik Killmonger) and Forest Whitaker.

The movie is set in an African milieu in a kingdom called Wakanda. After the death of T’Challa’s father, he comes back home to take his place as rightful leader of his people. This is not to be as he realizes that several factions rise to oppose and even overthrow his rule.

It is definitely a must watch and is running in all Silverbird and Global Cinemas across the country. Drop by one of these days and have the Black Panther experience.

Before you show up at the cinema in your African clothes, here are 4 facts about Black Panther I’m sure you do not know ;

1.Black Panther first appeared in Fantastic Four edition 52 in July 1966.

2.The initial name for Black Panther would have been Coal Tiger.

3.Black Panther was almost played by Wesley Snipes when he expressed his desire to in 1992.

4.Boseman’s decision to use an African accent in the film is deliberate.

Take pictures and fun when you go see Black Panther. #Wakandaforever