Spark: Welcome back from the 2024 Paris Olympics. What was the experience like? Did you have any expectations going in, for Ghana and yourself?
Shot on Canon R6 mark II and Canon RP, lens 70-200mm and 600mm
Spark: I think this was a good start though.  Surely next time will be much better 
Spark: Let’s talk about your background. Who is Abrantie? How was schooling ? and when did sports photography start for you?
Spark: Was that the reason you settled on sports photography or some sort of opportunity presented itself?
Spark: In our conversation, you mentioned that the idea from the beginning was to get photographs of the excitement, screams of your subjects. Well now, what do you look out for when shooting? Sports is very fast paced, any techniques to capture moving figures?
Spark: What’s your favourite sport by the way?
Spark: By just glancing at your portfolio, we see most of your works are photographs of  Ghanaian teams and some African Tournaments. Are you affiliated with the GFA or do you freelance?
Spark: That’s lovely! Anyway, you know the general sentiments fans have about Ghana’s sports lately, since you experience the game up close what’s your outlook on the situation??
Spark: Let’s get to a much broader question. Do you think storytelling is necessary in sports photography?
Spark: Are there any photographers who inspire you?
Spark: Share a few of your favourite photographs?
Spark: Any advice for someone who is looking to get into sports photographer?
Spark: Before we let you go, is there any philosophy you live by in your work?