Discover: “The Compass Show” and their mission

The Renaissance period marked a significant era in the history of Europe which made knowledge accessible to the common folks.
The Renaissance era followed the Middle Ages during which parts of Europe were ruled by the Moors who brought knowledge and advancement from Africa. There was a climax of knowledge in philosophy, architecture, arts, economics, etc. It was during that era that gave birth to people like Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, Descartes, etc
It was an intellectual revolution which challenged thoughts, ideas, religion, etc
The movement was marked by a philosophy called Humanism. Humanism promoted the non-theistic reliance on science and reason for human development, and people should embrace human achievements in education, classical arts, literature, and science.
At the compass show, we believe that the better the information one has, the better their decision-making. The show is a platform that makes specialized knowledge accessible to all. We are doing this through our podcasts, interviews, our social media content, and our live events. We started in 2022 with our first conversation about finding your purpose and we’ve never looked back.

We are working through a nonprofit called Fruit Tree Initiative (FTI). The objective of FTI is to contribute to national development through our initiatives in education, sports, agriculture, health, etc.
We are products of our collective awareness or consciousness and in line with natural laws we all harmonise with our environment, so we move in the direction of the dominating forces of our environment. If the dominant forces are fear, indifference, worry, lost hope, ignorance, paranoia, lust for money, control, etc. then we will harmonise with these forces.
Since thought is what directs most of our actions, we want to influence human thought with positive information to create positive dominant forces in our environment.
What aided the move from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance and Enlightenment age was knowledge. We need a society that thinks critically and we are all capable of it. As we wait for a saviour/ government/ sponsor, it has become evident that no one is coming to save us and we need to take charge of our lives and future. After all, why should we expect anyone to do for us what we can do for ourselves?
In a society where everyone is capable, we can all contribute our gifts to a common cause. It’s time for us to put our lives into our own hands and develop our minds to be capable. This is an important step in creating the future we want for ourselves and generations to come.
If we do this we can achieve what many call a quantum leap. We move from one level of awareness and enlightenment to a higher level. When certain changes occur there are always causes. We have to be intentional about the changes we seek.
History has numerous accounts of great achievements by well-meaning people from all walks of life. By tapping into that knowledge base we can greatly improve our lives and even predict our future. The history doesn’t take into account years, history remembers eras, turning points, significant achievements, etc.
This generation can create the era that began the proper advancement of our societies and the compass show wants to be a part of it.
History doesn’t remember because it happened; history remembers because it’s important to our present and future.