Money, money, money, It’s probably the most wanted and talked about thing now. Everybody wants money and one sure way to get it and grow it is to understand the psychology of money. How it works, how it moves and how some people use it to control the world.

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An account on Twitter @thewisementor shared an interesting thread on 10 movies about money that will teach you more about money that your $100,000 degree. We found it interesting so we are sharing 7 of those movies with a short summary about them and why you should watch.

1. Moneyball

Starring: Jonah Hill, Brad Pitt, Philip Seymour Hoffman

Available on Netflix

10 movies to learn about money. Moneyball
10 movies to learn about money

Moneyball is a movie about money based on a true story and the movie is an adaptation of the book non-fiction book titled, ‘Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game,’ written by Michael Lewis “Moneyball” is a movie based on the true story of Billy Beane, the general manager of the Oakland Athletics baseball team. The film follows Beane as he faces the challenge of building a competitive team on a limited budget. Instead of relying on traditional scouting methods, Beane adopts a new strategy called “sabermetrics,” which focuses on analyzing statistics to find undervalued players who can contribute to the team’s success. This film teaches that success isn’t always about having the most resources—it’s about using what you have wisely. Whether in business, academics, or life, thinking creatively and making informed decisions can help you overcome challenges and achieve your goals, even when resources are limited. This should definitely be in your list of movies about money you should watch.

2. The Big Short

Starring: Steve Carell, Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling

Streaming on Prime Video

“The Big Short” is a movie that tells the story of the 2008 financial crisis in America, focusing on a few investors who predicted the collapse of the housing market before anyone else. The movie follows characters who notice that the U.S. housing market is built on risky loans that people can’t afford to pay back. These investors realize that this will eventually lead to a huge market crash, so they decide to “short” the market—essentially betting that it will fail. The movie is both entertaining and educational for many reasons; “The Big Short” shows that it’s crucial to educate yourself and not just rely on what others say. By understanding the details of how things work, you can make smarter decisions, whether you’re investing in the stock market or making other important financial choices.

3. Margin Call

Starring: Kevin Spacey, Jeremy Irons, Paul Bettany

Streaming on Netflix

Another movie about money you will love, “Margin Call” is a movie set during the early stages of the 2008 financial crisis. The story takes place over 24 hours at a large investment bank, where a junior analyst discovers that the firm’s investments in mortgage-backed securities are about to lose a massive amount of money. If the market drops just a little, the firm’s losses could be catastrophic. As the discovery moves up the chain of command, the executives realize that the entire financial system is at risk. They face a tough decision: either hold on to the toxic assets and risk the firm’s collapse or sell them all at once, knowing that doing so will trigger a market crash and hurt many other people. The movie teaches that making money in finance isn’t just about finding opportunities but also about understanding the risks involved and making ethical decisions. It also underscores the importance of being cautious and well-informed when dealing with complex financial products.

4. Too Big to Fail

Starring: William Hurt, Paul Giamatti, James Woods

Streaming on Amazon Prime

“Too Big to Fail” is a movie that dives into the 2008 financial crisis, focusing on the U.S. government’s efforts to prevent the collapse of some of the largest financial institutions in the world. The story revolves around Henry Paulson, the U.S. Treasury Secretary at the time, and his team as they struggle to manage the crisis and decide which banks and companies to save in order to prevent a total economic meltdown. For someone new to financial markets, “Too Big to Fail” teaches that making money in finance is not just about finding opportunities but also about understanding the risks and responsibilities that come with those opportunities. It also emphasizes the importance of being aware of how larger economic forces can affect individual investments and the broader market.

5. Inside Job

Starring: Matt Damon, Jerome Fons, David McCormick

Streaming: Netflix

“Inside Job” is a documentary that explores the causes of the 2008 financial crisis. The movie breaks down how the crisis happened, focusing on the greed and corruption within the financial industry. It explains how big banks and financial institutions took huge risks by creating and selling complex financial products, like mortgage-backed securities, without fully understanding or caring about the consequences. When the housing market crashed, these risky investments collapsed, leading to a global economic meltdown. In summary, “Inside Job” teaches that making money isn’t just about finding opportunities—it’s about being informed, cautious, and ethical. By understanding your investments, staying aware of risks, and making thoughtful decisions, you can build wealth while protecting yourself from potential pitfalls.

6. Wolf of Wall Street

Starring: Leonardo Di Caprio, Jordan Belfort, Martin Scorsese

Streaming on Netflix

“The Wolf of Wall Street” is a movie based on the true story of Jordan Belfort, a stockbroker who rises to wealth and fame in the 1990s by engaging in highly unethical and illegal practices on Wall Street. Belfort starts his own brokerage firm, Stratton Oakmont, and quickly amasses a fortune by selling worthless “penny stocks” to unsuspecting investors, using aggressive sales tactics and manipulation. The movie depicts his lavish lifestyle, fueled by drugs, parties, and expensive possessions, but it also shows the eventual downfall as law enforcement closes in on his fraudulent activities. In summary, “The Wolf of Wall Street” teaches that while making money is important, how you make it matters even more. Ethical, informed decisions will lead to more sustainable and rewarding success than shortcuts and unethical behavior. Focus on long-term growth, integrity, and understanding the market to build real, lasting wealth.

7. Rogue Trader

Starring: Ewan McGregor, Anna Friel

Streaming on Apple TV, Amazon Prime

“Rogue Trader” is a movie based on the true story of Nick Leeson, a young and ambitious trader who caused the collapse of Barings Bank, one of the oldest and most prestigious banks in Britain. The film follows Leeson as he starts his career at Barings and quickly rises through the ranks due to his apparent success in trading. However, Leeson begins making risky and unauthorized trades, hiding his losses in a secret account. As the losses grow, he takes even bigger risks in an attempt to recover the money, but things spiral out of control. Eventually, his activities lead to the bank’s bankruptcy, and Leeson is caught and imprisoned. In summary, “Rogue Trader” teaches that making money in the stock market requires careful risk management, honesty, and the ability to admit when something isn’t working. Don’t let overconfidence or the pressure to succeed push you into taking unnecessary risks. Instead, focus on making informed, disciplined decisions to build wealth over time.

Watch as many movies about money as you can, read some books and you will have a good understanding of the world on money and where to start. Always remember that building wealth is a long term game.